What are Pomegranate Seeds?
Pomegranate seeds are delightful, red organic products loaded up with seeds. The pomegranate is loaded up with various edible seeds called arils. Pomegranate contains an assortment of chemicals that may have antioxidant impacts. Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and bioactive plants.
It is loaded with vitamin C and powerful antioxidants which protect your mind from oxidative pressure, slow down aging and ward off Cancer. The Pomegranate seeds shine like small rubies and make any salad garnish.
Pomegranate seeds contain antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, fatty acids, magnesium, and fiber that can help reduce joint pains and arthritis, beneficial for a healthy pregnancy, and for those who are trying to conceive, lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, improve mental health and memory, etc.
Eating an excessive amount of pomegranate seeds may cause an allergic reaction, digestive disorders, difficulty breathing, muscle weakness, and may increase the risk of intestinal obstruction. Though pomegranate seed oil can be toxic in large doses, it is virtually impossible to have enough pomegranate seeds to create toxicity in your body.
Can You Eat Pomegranate Seeds?
The skin of the pomegranate is thick and unappetizing, yet there are many consumable seeds inside. Firstly, open it up and you see hundreds of seeds, each surrounded by a sac of juice. It can be tough to know how to eat a pomegranate. Many people pop Them open, scoop out the seeds, and eat them whole. the easiest way might be chewing on the seeds, releasing the juice. Some people then choose to spit out the seeds while others choose to swallow them. For eating, you can add pomegranate seeds to salads, yogurt, oatmeal, desserts, or whatever you want!
Pomegranate Nutrition
The nutrition information, for one pomegranate that is ( 282 g ), is provided by the USDA. - Calories: 234
- Fat: 3.3 g
- Carbohydrates: 29 g
- Sugar: 38.6 g
- Fiber: 11.3 g
- Sodium: 8.4 mg
- Potassium: 666 mg
- Magnesium: 33.8 mg
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin B6
- Folate
- Copper
- Thiamine
Are Pomegranate Seeds Good For You
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is the main etiological agent of peptic ulcer. Moreover, pomegranate has revealed gastroprotective potential through antioxidant mechanisms in aspirin- and ethanol-induced gastric ulceration in animal models. Pomegranate methanol extract produced a remarkable anti-H. Pomegranate tannin forms a protective layer (tannin-protein/tannin-polysaccharide complex) on damaged epithelial tissue, thus allowing the underlying healing process to occur naturally by preventing bleeding and accelerating ulcer healing.↗️
Pomegranate has shown antiviral action against many viruses, including influenza, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), herpes simplex virus (HSV), and adenovirus in multiple studies. Among the pomegranate polyphenol extract (PPE) components (ellagic acid, caffeic acid, luteolin, and punicalagin), punicalagin had the greatest effect against influenza A virus by suppressing viral RNA replication and aggregation in chicken RBCs. Also, pomegranate polyphenol extract enhances the anti-influenza effect of oseltamivir when given together. Pomegranate juice inhibits HIV-1 binding to CD4 and inhibits viral entry.↗️
Studies have scientifically shown that pomegranate provides optimal nutrition for breastfed babies, strengthens their immune system, and improves mother-baby bonding. Demonstrating the health benefits of pomegranate consumption on infant health may provide more incentive for women to breastfeed.
Pomegranate has been widely endorsed for its antimicrobial properties. It has been shown that dry powder of pomegranate peel has high resistance to Candida albicans. Also, the antibacterial effects of both methanol and dichloromethane pomegranate extracts have been demonstrated on Candida genus yeast as a disease-causing pathogen in immunosuppressive hosts. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) (resistant to multiple antibiotics) produce the panta valentine leukocidin toxin, which can cause high levels of morbidity and mortality.↗️
Benefits Of Pomegranate Seeds
- Pomegranate seeds are rich in ellagic acid, lignans, polyphenols, and bioactive compounds, which help to lower blood pressure and enhance vascular function.
- Pomegranate seeds can treat arthritis and joint pain because they are a good source of antioxidants called flavonols, which act as anti-inflammatory agents in the body.
- Pomegranate seeds contain a high number of antioxidants, which help protect the body against inflammation and free radical damage.
- Polyphenols; Limited data are available on miR-34a mediated cytotoxicity of pomegranate rind polyphenols in cancer cell lines. Polyphenols in pomegranate bark extract have been shown to inhibit EJ proliferation of bladder cancer cells through the p53/miR-34a axis.↗️
- Pomegranate seed can boost heart health as well. Pomegranate seeds can help lower blood pressure and reduce blood sugar levels. Pomegranate seeds also help to good cholesterol by creating high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and breaking down the harmful oxidized lipids, which lowers the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
- Pomegranate seed is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, the two of which are known to keep free revolutionaries from harming your cells. Pomegranate seed contains anti-cancerous properties that can be attributed to certain components that prevent cancer cell proliferation and also induce cancer cell death.
- Pomegranate fruit contains less sugar and has ample anti-diabetic properties, accordingly, can be compelling in bringing down your sugar level.
- Pomegranate seed is a great source of vitamin K and folic acid. Which is boosting your metabolism. However, pomegranate seed is rich in fiber, and nutrients that are helpful in weight loss, and boost digestive health.
- Pomegranate seeds have powerful antioxidants that strengthen the immune system.
- Reproductive System A major component (16%) of methanolic pomegranate seed extract is beta-sitosterol. It has been proven that pomegranate fruit extract has an embryo-protective nature against adrianisine-induced oxidative stress (adrianisin is a chemotherapeutic drug used in cancer treatment). Furthermore, the consumption of pomegranate juice can increase epididymal sperm concentration, motility, spermatogenic cell density, seminiferous tubule diameter, and germ cell layer thickness.↗️
Pomegranate Seeds Side Effects
- Eating excessive pomegranate seed may cause an allergic reaction, swelling, and difficulty breathing.
- Excessive consumption of pomegranate seeds causes many disorders. Such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
- Eating an excessive amount of pomegranate seed may cause muscle weakness, and may increase the risk of intestinal obstruction.
- Pomegranate can lower blood pressure, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. If it’s taken with other prescription medicines or herbs and supplements designed to lower blood pressure, you run the risk of developing blood pressure that is too low, also known as hypotension.